Snowmobiles & Skiing
It has been an exciting year as a guide for Svalbard Adventure Group, snowmobile and ski guiding in the winter and fast boat, hiking and ATV guiding in the summer.
I faced the cold of winter, saw the sun rise again after a long dark period over a glaciated horizon. I saw a total solar eclipse darkening the day and skied high peaks, frosty and jolly. There were polar bears plenty, along with seals, reindeer and sneaky foxes. I had small and large groups, many who had never seen a snowmobile or interacted much with snow before. All expressed nothing but excitement and smiles. It was a magical time, where a special highlight was a personal skiing trip with my girlfriend to Atomfjella, a world class backcountry skiing region that has been featured much recently in the media. I am very much looking forward to the winter season to start again in January, especially combining snowmobile and skiing expeditions.
- Rising sun over a glaciated horizon
- Row of snowmobiles on the sea ice
- The sun returns on the East Coast
- A total solar eclipse
- Ski touring on Trollsteinen
- It is -30°C and there is a happy bunch of skiers
- Ski touring and chasing the sun to the top
- A happy group of guests in front of Tunabreen
- The king of the Arctic has been here recently
- Polar bear fishing on the sea ice
- A little family of polar bears, mother and her two cubs
- High spirits on Tempelfjorden sea ice
- Two sleds and snowmobiles loaded with gear to Atomfjella
- Camp on Månebreen, with the outdoor toilet pit
- Amazing mountains in Atomfjella
- Hiking up Malloryfjellet
- Skiing on Kingbreen
- Snowmobiling from slope to slope
Boats, ATV & Hiking
The summer has been full of exciting fast boat driving. Early season ice dipping while picking up a group across the fjord, long days with cruise ship guests showing them amazing bird cliffs and the grand Isfjord. There were long day-trips to Isfjord Radio and Pyramiden, some in high seas and some in glassy waters with spectacular reflections. I was at times soaked from top to toe, but every time both my guests and I were thrilled and happy.
- Trying out the dry suit in icy waters with a seal watching
- Splashes in the water
- Fast ride in front of Fuglefjella on glassy waters
- Shore-ex formation driving
- Close view of the birds cliffs
- Fast boats in formation on Isfjorden
- Jaw dropping reflections by the Nordenskiöld glacier
- Reflections by Pyramiden
- Returning from Isfjord Radio
- Happy times in front of Esmarkbreen
- A happy group of guides and sales people for Svalbard Adventure Group
This has truly been a great year, with a great team, great guests and amazing experiences!